The saddest of PandasBut that's ok! You go ahead and enjoy your holiday. I'll be here, all alone, by myself.
The saddest of PandasBut that's ok! You go ahead and enjoy your holiday. I'll be here, all alone, by myself.
Meh, indeed.It gets a meh for now, but eventually it could become something far more interesting and useful. If anyone of you has watched the unnaturally long demonstration video that they have going you'd know what Google Wave is about, I'm not going to try to explain it, just go ahead and watch the hour long demo video:
This is my Yak. His name is Donny. He talks a lot.NEWS! I have that! Would you like to hear about some news perchance? Ok, I'll share with you my many secret newses.
Travelocity Spokesman, Tech Geek, Friend.ALSO! I have gotten a package in the mail! I shall upload a video of my opening it as soon as I get it. I warn you all, it is rad.
A while back I got a new pair of shoes that were so stiff at the heel that they rubbed my heels raw and the blood went right through my socks onto my new shoes. I didn't even know until the day was done and I sat down and decided to investigate the searing pain in my heels. So, I Krazy Glued my old shoes which soles had begun to separate from the shoe. I am still wearing them, and I am still walking in comfort.
To celebrate this Canadian Thanksgiving, here is a present from me to you. BLURGH NATION WALLPAPERS!
Nice hangin' with you, Dad.Altogether, this trip was great, and I enjoyed myself, even though the swag was insanely overpriced.
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Dead Sea Scrolls ROM |
You seem to meet the requirements.This is where the magic happens.
It is an honor.So because all this took place, I was able to finish reading my chapter and get to class worry free. I feel like a superhero!
Last Thursday, if you were paying attention to my Twits, you'd know that I went to the Hospital to have my wrist looked at, I thought I might have had Carpal tunnel, but I have since learned that that is not the case, I'm just a whiny little baby. ANYHOO...
Before I went to the Hospital, my doctor had told me that the Xrays on my wrist came back saying there was no danger of Carpal Tunnel, instead there was a slight deformity in the part where a fracture healed up, here's a diagram:
Normal wrist
My wrist
There's nothing wrong with my wrist, but an appointment was already previously made to go to the Hospital for a Nerve Conduction Test on September 3rd.
So I went there, got to the waiting room, and not soon after I was called. The nice lady had me take my watch off and she measure and marked all over my hands with a black pen, I felt like I was being vandalized. This is where it gets interesting.
She then dabbed gel on two points on my wrist and pulled out a machine that resembled the thing the guy zapped the tiny dinosaur with in the second Jurassic Park movie before the tiny dinosaur's buddies ate him. I couldn't find a picture of it, but here's something that came up when I googled “Jurrasic Park Taser”
She placed it on my nerve and fired it up, it felt like when a doctor would hit your knee with that little hammer to make it kick, except that it was electric, and I'm a whiny little baby.
Nerve Conduction Test in action
She did that a few more times in a number of places all to find out that my nerves are perfect. Awesome.
So that was my Thursday. Let's end this on a lighter and more interesting note. I found this site while perusing one my my favorite sites Lifehacker. Fontcapture allows you to create a custom font using a sample of your handwriting. I did it, and my coolness dictates that you must now do it too in order to stay cool or become cool.
I came across this website a few days ago and I feel that I must share it with you so that I can say that I updated.
This site is called Yearbookyourself and it is cool, all you have to do is upload a picture of yourself and follow the instructions in order to create mildly entertaining abominations like the following. I started out with this photo of myself:
Yes, dear readers, Blurgh Nation now has a Twitter account, and as you all know, that makes us cool.
Why? Now we can tell you that we’re not updating 24/7 because that is what cool people do. If you don’t have a Twitter account, then you are not cool.
I hope that you shall follow our X-tremely cool Twits in the sidebar as well as from the source.
Hey you guys, remember when I used to post here? That was great, I should start doing that again.
All kidding aside, I do have a lot to post about, but not enough material to make full posts about them. First off I was planning on writing about the Apple Tablet, but I feel that I should stretch myself to my utmost journalistic abilities in order to convey the sheer… tabletiness of this new tablet.
Also! I been and gone and went to the Hospickle (read Hospital) yesterday for a few X-rays on muh wrist, there’s a chance that I might have Carpal Tunnel in the left one which, by coincidence, is connected to my good hand, my other one isn’t as good. I hate you right hand, go fall in a well.
As some of you may know if you bothered to scroll down the tiniest bit on the page, you’d know that it was my birthday on the fifth. Using a gift card I received, I purchased Wii Sports Resort and have proceeded to sacrifice hours of otherwise posting-time for “Hey look, my sword movements are exact!” time.
Time for a link! This link guarantees that all your jokes will be funnier and more appropriate for all occasions! Use it wisely, for with great power, comes great responsibility.
Finally, I have converted a former Windows XP desktop to Ubuntu Linux. It was a dinosaur, and this helped to speed it up a bit, except now my Mom is wondering where Outlook Express is.
Yup, today was my birthday, I am now twenty years old and officially decrepit.
Yup, I have a doctors appointment for my wrist tomorrow, it’s been acting up, and it seems that my Ubuntu PC has actually given up the ghost now, it turns on but doesn’t respond.
Yes, now that I have reached this pinnacle in my life, I feel that it is necessary to impart upon my readers a few pearls of wisdom that I have acquired in my many years on this earth. Actually, I can’t really think of anything to say that’s safe for work. So instead, have some wallpapers.
I really enjoy going to these two sites for my wallpapers, they have a lot of good stuff on both.
Anyways, in regard to the previous post, Tony, you have many Grammar and Syntax errors in your post. Christmas is ruined because of you.
Following up on a previous post, my Uncle has received and assembled the apparently super-special-awesome Wheelbarrow that he won from the fine folks at CommandN.
Near the end of the following video, you can see the fully constructed beast, according to my Uncle, it has shocks. Crazy.
Leave it to my Uncle to show off both a Wheelbarrow and a Mac book in one photo.
A new update on the Dev Channel for Mac and Windows versions of Google Chrome now allows themes to be implemented in the browser.
So that’s cool, I’m sporting this saucy number, kind of a squary camo.
I made a new banner for the site, took maybe three hours in GIMP but I think it turned out well. I hope you like it, if you don’t, well, nobody cares.
UPDATE: After I finished the banner, I decided to go full out and change the colours too, once again, hope you like it.
Friends, a lightning storm just claimed the artificial life of my Ubuntu PC. It just sits there now, like a paperweight. The post below this contains a screenshot taken around an hour before the incident.
Being an eMachine, it becomes obvious that this computer came from humble roots. Most likely, it’s origin was somehow related to Wal-Mart, and it is uglier than sin, but inside was a proverbial heart of gold (read: Silicon).
Lil’ Jim II (as we shall call it), came into my household with the attitude that it wasn’t gonna let those other computers push it around just because it’s system specifications weren’t exactly up to date. At all. It was from around, oh say, 2003 probably.
Barely being able to run Windows XP, new life was breathed into it with the installation of Ubuntu 8.04, which ran without a hitch (until today). Sure, it was noisy, made click sounds that I only heard from my old Windows 3.1 desktop, but hey, it worked.
While it may have been old and crippled from the beginning, not a single thing could ever replace it. So rest in peace, Lil’ Jim II.
Stop looking at me like that…
The wireless is, at least.
Turns out that my internal wireless card is not fried. That dude at the Service place just wanted to give up, and it’s always funny to notice that they sound like a broken record when they can’t fix something, it’s always fried, or the motherboard has to be replaced, when it’s something completely different.
The diagnosis for my laptop was that the WLAN was not working simply because the laptop got so hot that it fried my internal wireless card. That made no sense, since it stopped working after a software update.
Anyways, I’ve got my laptop back, and I’ve got a lovely 802.11 N Wi-Fi USB Adapter to plug into my laptop so it can live on with the interwebs a-flowin’ through it.
Here’s where the weird part comes in.
Much like a Ninja, or more so a wild Stallion, my internal wireless card occasionally shows up and functions. The Stallion analogy works better in my opinion. You can’t tame it, if you shut the gate it’ll just jump the fence and you’ll never see it again. If you leave the gate open, it’ll come in for a little fellowship from time to time with it’s fellow internal components. It seems to show up more often now, maybe it’s because it feels a sense of rivalry between the Wi-Fi adapter and itself… I am a little crazy, yes.
Her expression. So empty.
(Right here, there seems to be a large gap between entries, I think that this may have been when they pounced on him.)
(Yeah, he's probably dead.)