Friday, September 4, 2009


There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.
-Nelson Mandela

At long last I have returned to claim my rightful place as the second contributer to this blog, with new ambition, new prowess, new words and most of all a new Internet connection. Yes, I have a new connection to the information Super Highway or the Net, World Wide Web, or as some like to call it, The Series of Tubes, this can only mean one thing, I have moved into my new place. With this new place comes roommates, finally reunited with my friends Mike and Davidde, with their friend Kody joining us and newcomer Tom, my crippling loneliness will come to an end! Also with this new place comes free Internet and satellite tv, which I have missed in my year since moving away from home, in residence I had only cable and for the last 4 months I have had only rabbit ears for my television viewing pleasure (if you could call it that). But now I'm back and better then ever. Oh did I mention that I was starting World of Warcraft again? Yes, I was a habitual user before and a social user in the past month when I returned home for a funeral, but now I have decided to come back to the game after a small fling with City of Heroes and with my very on and off agian relationship with Eve Online, I return to my one true love.

I have much to write about and I'm going to start forcing James to write more so this might actually be worth the bandwidth again, but probably not.

Oh and I am going to start including songs from Canadian artists at the ends of my posts. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post Dark_phenox. However, I dunno who that Canadian stunner is singing? Maybe at the end of your posts you can let us Blurghnation followers get a little heads up on who this is. "Lights", where is she from? Keep up those great posts.
