Last Thursday, if you were paying attention to my Twits, you'd know that I went to the Hospital to have my wrist looked at, I thought I might have had Carpal tunnel, but I have since learned that that is not the case, I'm just a whiny little baby. ANYHOO...
Before I went to the Hospital, my doctor had told me that the Xrays on my wrist came back saying there was no danger of Carpal Tunnel, instead there was a slight deformity in the part where a fracture healed up, here's a diagram:
Normal wrist

My wrist

There's nothing wrong with my wrist, but an appointment was already previously made to go to the Hospital for a Nerve Conduction Test on September 3rd.
So I went there, got to the waiting room, and not soon after I was called. The nice lady had me take my watch off and she measure and marked all over my hands with a black pen, I felt like I was being vandalized. This is where it gets interesting.
She then dabbed gel on two points on my wrist and pulled out a machine that resembled the thing the guy zapped the tiny dinosaur with in the second Jurassic Park movie before the tiny dinosaur's buddies ate him. I couldn't find a picture of it, but here's something that came up when I googled “Jurrasic Park Taser”

She placed it on my nerve and fired it up, it felt like when a doctor would hit your knee with that little hammer to make it kick, except that it was electric, and I'm a whiny little baby.

Nerve Conduction Test in action
She did that a few more times in a number of places all to find out that my nerves are perfect. Awesome.
So that was my Thursday. Let's end this on a lighter and more interesting note. I found this site while perusing one my my favorite sites Lifehacker. Fontcapture allows you to create a custom font using a sample of your handwriting. I did it, and my coolness dictates that you must now do it too in order to stay cool or become cool.
Wonderful post, Jamie, I laughed out loud. I think I'm post this one to my Twitter followers. It's great. Hope that wrist is feeling better.