I was fortunate enough to get an invite from one of my old high school friends to join Google Wave about a week ago, if any of you have read my first post you'll know that I've been waiting to try it out for a long time. After having tried it for one week I feel I can sum it up in one sentence, perhaps even one word:

Meh, indeed.It gets a meh for now, but eventually it could become something far more interesting and useful. If anyone of you has watched the unnaturally long demonstration video that they have going you'd know what Google Wave is about, I'm not going to try to explain it, just go ahead and watch the hour long demo video:
You watch it all yet? OK then, let's move along.
One thing that I noticed when I first got Google Wave is that when I tweeted about it I got a mountain of PMs from Twitter users begging and in rare cases demanding my handing over of one of the precious invites that my account came with. Here's the thing, I have no invites, I wasn't given any. I did some Googling and apparently I might end up getting some invites to pass around, but I don't know how likely that is.
Another interesting thing about those PMs I got was that a large number of them were from people who started Twitter accounts solely for begging for Wave invites. I kind of hope that those people get their invites so that they can have their dreams crushed when they realize that they can't do anything with it. Well, that's not entirely true.
With Google Wave there is a command that allows you to view public Waves made for discussion with everyone and anyone, to summarize, public Waves are Message Boards.
Along with Wave comes some interesting features, along with having actual human contacts in your contact list, you have the ability to add special contacts to your list, in my case, I have added Tweety and Bloggy to my contact list. Tweety is a Twitter app that allows you to update your Twitter feed from Google Wave, Bloggy allows you to update your Blogspot blog from it's own Wave. Unfortunately, I can't get Bloggy to work for the life of me, and Tweety doesn't seem to update it's Tweets beyond the first time I opened it, that's why it's invitation only, folks, lots of bugs.
So, in the end, it's pretty snazzy, but I'd recommend that you wait until the Public release to Wave for yourself, but even then, you'll have to have a Gmail account.
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