Thursday, November 26, 2009

Together again...

This smell... it smells familiar. It smells like Internet! Come to me, friend, we shall party 'til we're purple!

Some of you may know that I recently had hardware problems involving my Laptop's AC adapter, 'twas a cold Thursday evening in my Oracle SQL class and my vulcanized adapter was loosing it's vulcanny grip upon the cable that connected to my laptop allowing it to charge. Eventually through the class I realized I was running off of battery power and the cable had shorted out.

So by this time, I was all like...

I was rocked to my very core. It was like I tripped on the sidewalk, and then a Hobo came up and took my pants, and then another Hobo came up and kicked my in my bathing suit area, and then I got a ticket from the Police for indecent exposure, and then my Mom had to bring me a fresh pair of pants but she yelled out "I love you, my little Bubala" in the middle of the jail. My prisoner buddies laughed at me... especially the Jewish ones.

So I have gone for around a week without Lil' Jim to comfort me from the cold harsh unfeeling World around me, but I still had hope! I had... Lil' lil' Jim. My iPod. He had access to the internet for a short while, until he eventually ran out of battery to the point where he couldn't even play music.

I had only one connection to the internet left, and luckily for me it was entirely self sufficient, it had it's own charging cable and everything, it didn't require my laptop for power. I am talking about my trusty Nintendo DS. Unfortunately for me, the DS browser is like the Eragon movie. It's not very good. At all.

So! Eventually my new Adapter came in the mail since Staples doesn't sell it anymore, I plug it in and it works! So now I'm all like...

Ah, my Internets have come back to me.

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