Monday, October 12, 2009


So much food. And I have yet to eat pie.

Yes indeed it is that time of the year (for Canadians) where we sit at the table with our relatives and eat until we are in physical pain, and we are thankful for that pain, that tasty, self inflicted pain.

What am I thankful for at this point in time you might ask? Well I'll tell you.

Krazy Glue.

A while back I got a new pair of shoes that were so stiff at the heel that they rubbed my heels raw and the blood went right through my socks onto my new shoes. I didn't even know until the day was done and I sat down and decided to investigate the searing pain in my heels. So, I Krazy Glued my old shoes which soles had begun to separate from the shoe. I am still wearing them, and I am still walking in comfort.

To celebrate this Canadian Thanksgiving, here is a present from me to you. BLURGH NATION WALLPAPERS!

Made 'em myself, I hope you enjoy them! Happy Thanksgiving!

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