Considering the fact that I have no form of screen capturing device with which to display screens from the iPod, I shall be conveying what I have seen with artistic depictions of each screen I deem necessary for you to see.

You can't help but wonder what this wheelbarrow must be like for it to be a prize for anything. This thing must be so awesome that the manliest of men would shed a tear at the mere sight of it.
Well, that's all for now. I'll see you in a few days with a review of the new iPod Touch 3.0 software update.Once again, I have been subjected to a rather violent bout of computer trouble, this time it was my WLAN driver.
I can almost guarantee that this will turn into some kind of rant about Windows Update, or HP being dumb and awesome at the same time considering that the source of my problem started with Windows update.
Last night around Eleven O’clock I had just updated my iPod touch to version 3.0, but that’s another post. After installing the update, I decided for the heck of it to check out my Windows Update to see if there was anything of interest, sure enough, there were two optional updates available.
One of the updates was for my Nvidia Chipset, I already knew that there was something wrong with this update considering I tried to install it before and it was corrupt, so I stayed away from that. The second one was for my internal Modem, I decided to install it, just on a whim. Why not, right? The shovel I mentioned above would've come in handy right about this point in the story.
Needless to say, no Rutila Ex Machina stopped me from having a terrible night and morning trying to get my WLAN to function again.
When I restarted my computer after installing the update, I realized that my HP Wireless Assistant only recognized my Bluetooth and my little network icon in the system tray had a friendly red X superimposed onto it. Dang it, you got me again Windows Update, you and your zany Devil updates.
I go into the device manager and I notice that not only is the WLAN driver not functioning, the hardware isn’t even listed, it’s gone.
So I used the trusty Eee pc sitting beside me to go to my computer’s software and drivers page on HP’s site and downloaded the previous version of the Modem driver that had been updated, installed it and it did nothing.
Ok, that’s cool, that’s fine, this ain’t my first time to the rodeo. I then decided to download the driver for my WLAN, I had all confidence that this would fix the problem considering that it’s for the component that was missing. Ok yeah, that didn’t do anything. This just got real.
I then decided to go for my old fallback, System Restore. You remember how I used that back in my previous post right? Yeah, man, that should do the trick. I do that, pick the date and start it up. My laptop boots back up aaand nothing, the problem still exists.
What? You’re kidding. I did it again, to a later date, nothing. I uninstalled the modem and refreshed the device manager, the modem reinstalled itself but the WLAN was as elusive as it ever was.
I’m not entirely sure what went on last night after that considering that I was blind with rage, all I know is that I woke up today in my bed and I smelled like something I shouldn’t smell like (I’ll let your minds do the walking).
When I went to work today I took a different approach. Just kidding, I did another system restore, it did nothing. I then tried something different, I used my HP Recovery Manager to restore the original driver for my WLAN. I was fairly confident that that would work. Once again I was met with nothing in the form of Wi-Fi. Needless to say, I was very frustrated and defeated, there was never a computer problem I couldn’t fix.
I decided to take another approach, I uninstalled the Modem and installed the WLAN driver, something interesting then happened. The modem was all of a sudden recognized and installed. What? Why is the Modem installing when I’m installing the WLAN driver? That’s when I had an idea.
I uninstalled the Modem again, as well as the Broadcom WLAN driver and then I installed the WLAN driver through the Recovery Manager, once again, while the Recovery Manager installed the driver, the Modem was recognized and installed, I couldn’t do anything about it since it was automatically going to restart a few seconds afterwards.
Ugh, I was pretty defeated, the Modem was installed again, and the WLAN was still not recognized. I was even considering sending it to a “Professional,” but then I saw the device manager in my system tray, it was installing the Wireless network!
So needless to say, I am relieved and happy to have my laptop working again at full throttle. One good thing did come out of all of this though, I had enough material to write a new blog post.
UPDATE: Just turned it on after shutting it down last night before going to sleep, I guess that wasn't a permanent fix. So, in short: brb depression.
Except for the people who saw it in the last two weeks or so before myself.
I am of course talking about the new Star Trek movie, I saw it last night. This is not a review of the film as I intended originally. I want to rant about the Theatre that I went to in order to see the film instead.
Normally, I’d go to Famous Players in Sarnia, considering that it’s practically next door to the Dormitories at my College, but since it’s summer I went to the Local Theatre in Chatham, the "Cinema 6." I hadn’t been in there since seeing the fifth Harry Potter movie so I wasn’t really familiar with the Theatre anymore.
When my family and I pulled up to the Theatre we all noticed that Star Trek was not on the Marquee. Instead, there was X-men in it’s place. I had checked the show times online before we came so it immediately became obvious that somebody wasn’t doing their job. We went in and learned that X-men was sharing one of the screens with Star Trek, it just looked like Star Trek wasn't playing anymore, nice job. We waited in the Lobby for about five minutes because nobody was at the ticket counter, apparently they wouldn’t sell the tickets until the popcorn had been popped… what? I don’t even know.
About two minutes into the wait, five kids around eleven or so came into the theatre, five loud kids. First off, they were marvelled at the ear-shattering squeak the door made when it was closing, so they proceeded to open it and close it maybe three more times. Then they started to punch the glass because according to one of them, he could “punch super strong.”
Finally, the ticket counter opens, and we buy our tickets. On the chart above the register, it says that Star Trek is showing at 7:00, despite the fact that the ticket and the website both say that it’s starting at 6:35. My Mom and little Sister decide to see Night at the Museum 2, while my Brother, Father (old-school Trekkie) and myself go to see Star Trek.
I went to get some Nachos and proceeded to wonder more about who was running the Theatre, the two kids manning the counter looked to be around 12 years old. I immediately regretted getting anything when I heard their Nacho-cheese-squirting machine turn on, it sounded like a lawn mower and nothing was coming out. They opened it and the bag of cold cheese was empty, so they replaced it with a nice full bag of warm Nacho cheese. Just kidding, they scrunched up the bag and squeezed what little amount of cheese left in the bag to the nozzle and turned the machine on. It came out in large drips, are you hungry yet? After all that, I found out that they didn’t have debit at the counter so I had to use cash to purchase my tray of cheese-covered sand.
So now we enter the Screening room and find that there is only one other group of six people and that’s it. Remember when I said that the website, ticket and chart all said different times? Yeah, turns out they were all wrong. I guess the little kid in the projection room was having trouble lifting the film reel onto their ancient projector considering that the movie started at 6:50.
The movie was great, I loved it, except for the parts where the other movie-goers insisted on adding super-hilarious additional lines to the characters during exciting sequences (including shouting “Weeeeeeeeeeee” when they were skydiving onto the drill), thus ruining the scenes for me.
After the movie we left as fast as we could, my Sister later told me that my Mom was talking during their movie, the end of the world has already begun.
I just finished watching the Nintendo Press Conference from E3 ‘09, the link to the video can be found here.
I got to say that over all I was impressed by their showing, but it still isn’t as exciting as the conferences where you know some kind of hardware is going to be revealed. Everyone watches when they think that a new console will be announced, that applies to all companies. I’m not here to talk about past conferences, so on with the post.
There was a surprisingly large amount of well-known franchises being announced for the Wii and DS, but I have to say that overall I was most excited about the announcement of Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Red Steel 2. That’s not to say that Metroid: Other M and others didn’t get me excited, I just never started playing the Metroid series until Corruption.
For those of you who haven’t watched it, or don’t feel like wading through around seventy minutes of video to see it, the new Metroid game was announced and the company co-developing it beside Nintendo is going to be Team Ninja of the Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden fame. I was actually very interested in this instalment because of the fact that a lot of the game is going to be played in the third-person perspective. Just from seeing the trailer, you can tell that it was Team Ninja, it screams Ninja Gaiden in terms of special moves, you know, like when Samus jumped on top of the purple alien and shot it in the face? Yeah, pretty rad.
There was practically nothing new on the Red Steel 2 front besides the fact that they said that it’s unplayable without the Wii Motion Plus Add-on. That’s great! I really enjoyed the first one, I know that a lot people didn’t like the first one at all and if I ever get anyone reading this they might call me out on that, I still found it enjoyable to have that feeling of control when I shot someone mercilessly in the face. I admit, the sword-fighting sequences felt way too constricting and unrealistic, I still enjoyed the game overall, and the inclusion of Wii Motion Plus will only add to the gameplay. Here’s the trailer for Red Steel 2: