Saturday, August 29, 2009
I gussied up the Blog a tad...

Monday, August 24, 2009
Art! Woo!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Ha, this is rad…
I came across this website a few days ago and I feel that I must share it with you so that I can say that I updated.
This site is called Yearbookyourself and it is cool, all you have to do is upload a picture of yourself and follow the instructions in order to create mildly entertaining abominations like the following. I started out with this photo of myself:

And with a little fenagling, you get something like this:

Saturday, August 15, 2009
We now sit at the Cool Kids Lunch Table…
Yes, dear readers, Blurgh Nation now has a Twitter account, and as you all know, that makes us cool.
Why? Now we can tell you that we’re not updating 24/7 because that is what cool people do. If you don’t have a Twitter account, then you are not cool.
I hope that you shall follow our X-tremely cool Twits in the sidebar as well as from the source.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Just like Old Times…
Hey you guys, remember when I used to post here? That was great, I should start doing that again.
All kidding aside, I do have a lot to post about, but not enough material to make full posts about them. First off I was planning on writing about the Apple Tablet, but I feel that I should stretch myself to my utmost journalistic abilities in order to convey the sheer… tabletiness of this new tablet.
Also! I been and gone and went to the Hospickle (read Hospital) yesterday for a few X-rays on muh wrist, there’s a chance that I might have Carpal Tunnel in the left one which, by coincidence, is connected to my good hand, my other one isn’t as good. I hate you right hand, go fall in a well.
As some of you may know if you bothered to scroll down the tiniest bit on the page, you’d know that it was my birthday on the fifth. Using a gift card I received, I purchased Wii Sports Resort and have proceeded to sacrifice hours of otherwise posting-time for “Hey look, my sword movements are exact!” time.
Time for a link! This link guarantees that all your jokes will be funnier and more appropriate for all occasions! Use it wisely, for with great power, comes great responsibility.
Finally, I have converted a former Windows XP desktop to Ubuntu Linux. It was a dinosaur, and this helped to speed it up a bit, except now my Mom is wondering where Outlook Express is.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I know I know
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Oh man, now Imma start crying…
Yup, today was my birthday, I am now twenty years old and officially decrepit.
Yup, I have a doctors appointment for my wrist tomorrow, it’s been acting up, and it seems that my Ubuntu PC has actually given up the ghost now, it turns on but doesn’t respond.
Yes, now that I have reached this pinnacle in my life, I feel that it is necessary to impart upon my readers a few pearls of wisdom that I have acquired in my many years on this earth. Actually, I can’t really think of anything to say that’s safe for work. So instead, have some wallpapers.
I really enjoy going to these two sites for my wallpapers, they have a lot of good stuff on both.
Anyways, in regard to the previous post, Tony, you have many Grammar and Syntax errors in your post. Christmas is ruined because of you.
Happy Birthday James
All the best man, here is too many more, and hoping you receive what you wish for!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Funny, Funny People
Fashionable people doing questionable things"
-Fashionable People, Joel Plaskett
Okay let me preface this, I know I was suppose to review the Zune and Windows 7 from a gamers point-of-view on Friday but my roommate came by and we hung out Friday and Saturday and James posted on Sunday and well, Sunday I saw Funny People and I needed to talk about it somewhere and my friends do not like this kind movie.
Sunday I buckled down and walked to the mall and headed to the Galaxy Cinema in Waterloo and saw the newest Judd Apatow, distributed by Universal Pictures, running length: 2 hours and 26 minutes, Staring Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, and a multitude of other Apatow comedians, as well as internet sensation, Bo Burnham.
Lets give a little information on what this is about, I imagine there will be spoilers. A comedian George Simmons (Played by Sandler), has had a career (not unlike the career Sandler himself has had) with lots of low-brow crazy situtation movies that had mass succsess and made him famous(not unlike Sandler), but now he finds out he is dying of cancer (unlike Sandler, I assume). This prompts Simmons to relive his days of standup and he goes to a very dark place in his act. Meanwhile, struggling comedian Ira Wright (Seth Rogen) has to follow this and just heckles him during his own set, which strangely promnts Simmons to hire him as his assitant/writer. Through watching him get sicker and eventually better we discover that he has no-one to talk to about this, just Ira, which leds Simmons to try to make it back together with his ex-fiancée, who is the only women that he ever loved, but he cheated on her twelve years earlier. This nearly distroys her marriage with Clarke who is played by Eric Bana, but it gets salvaged. This is Bana's second of 3 movie rolls of the summer and the other one will be out on the 14th which is The Time Travlers Wife, which was a great book, you should read it. Hopefully the movie will live up to expectations, but movies rarely do so we will just have to take it sitting down, so to speak.
Let me speak to the people who only like Adam Sandler type comedies. First this is not like them, you will probaly hate it. Second, this is NOT a comedy, its a drama about a man who is a jerk (jerk is way too light of a term) who needs to connect with someone but does not really have the means to do so in a meaningful way. At one point, his only friend (who is someone he hired) tries to do the right thing but it happens to be against Simmons' goals and pretty much gets told off and pushed back to the distance that he normally keeps people at. The only comedic elements in this film come from the fact that all the main characters are in fact, Comedians. There is alot of penis jokes in this movie, it's like each actor put their personality and comedy sets into each character, this movie could have actually happend if Adam Sandler was a jerk, not married and was dying. I personally loved the film, everything was really great. In my opinion it's the second best Apatow film after Forgetting Sarah Marshal, and the best Sandler film, its dirty, but real, smart but low-brow, funny yet sad, and if I was Sandler I would end my carrer on this. That's pretty much everything to say about the movie, its not like any of the movies any of the main people in it have done and it's great if you were not the biggest fans of either of their earlier works.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
My Uncle’s Wheelbarrow can beat up your Uncle’s Wheelbarrow…
Following up on a previous post, my Uncle has received and assembled the apparently super-special-awesome Wheelbarrow that he won from the fine folks at CommandN.
Near the end of the following video, you can see the fully constructed beast, according to my Uncle, it has shocks. Crazy.
Leave it to my Uncle to show off both a Wheelbarrow and a Mac book in one photo.