Lots has happened in the three months since I posted, I went on a road trip to Waterloo with a bunch of moderately cool people, I went on another road trip to Toronto with more moderately cool people, and also my Wisdom teeth are being stupid and I hate them forever.
First, Waterloo. A bunch of my buddies and I were going down to Waterloo to see Tuesdays with Morrie. George and I shared a car, thankfully nobody else was there, considering that we started singing spontaneously to Journey and Queen.

George really enjoys speeding, while Google Maps said that the trip would take approximately two and a half hours, we got to Waterloo in, like... an hour... it was awesome.
The play was being put on at Wilfrid Laurier University, which made me particularly happy because that's where a certain awesome person goes to school. Do you know who that is? FREAKING TONY DOOM! Yuss, that's right, we reunited for the first time since high school, it was great!

So after Tony arrived we all went to see the play, it was a low budget performance but it had very talented actors.
When it was over, I looked at my entire group and noticed that they were all crying, except for me. Steve took the liberty to tell me that I had the emotional range of a teaspoon. So after I spent around and hour wondering if I'm a robot or not, we loaded back into our cars and drove home.
So that was Waterloo, now I want to share my trip to Toronto.
Last weekend I went to the Art Gallery of Ontario with a classmate of mine and a couple of her friends, it didn't take me long to get approached by Security.
So, I was in the Renaissance section taking pictures of Jesus and some Security guy comes up behind me, this is the conversation I had with him, near verbatim:
Security: Sir, I'm sorry but photography isn't allowed.SO THAT WAS FUN!
Me: It's ok, there's no flash, it won't ruin it.
Security: No, it's a copyright issue.
Me: ...Sir, it's Jesus. You can't copyright Jesus.
Security: The artwork cannot be photo-
Me: (I place my hand on his shoulder) Jesus is for everyone...
Security: Sir, stop taking pictures, or you will be escorted out of the building.
Me: ...fine.
After that, I went around and saw a lot of great artworks.
I saw Massacre of the Innocents by Rubens, Adam and The Thinker by Rodin, but the reason I was there was to see the Tutankhamen exhibit.
They didn't have the actual Mummy there, but they had a large amount of treasure from his tomb, including his Death Mask...
So that was fun, I got my Mom a present and I have yet to give it to her. I'll give you, the reader, a hint as to what it is...
It's a Gun.
Wow, I kind of gave that away. Geez...
So a few days ago, my Wisdom teeth started giving me trouble, the gum came off the top of one of them and it's just flappin' around in there like a flappy gum. I went to the Dentist and I was told that I have an abscess in the Wisdom Tooth the bottom two are impacted. So I'm probably gonna have to have them removed soon, until then I am gargling with Saltwater and hating every second of it. Saltwater is nasty.
So that's the update, I'll probably update when I get my Wisdom teeth pulled and want to whine about not being able to talk.