Last Thursday marked the last day of my third semester at College, so now I have three weeks with which to bother everyone with my ramblings, doesn't that sound like fun?
So! AVATAR! How about those Avatars, eh? Those guys are pretty cool, what with their blue skin and their Dragons... yeah. I saw the movie on opening night last Friday, thankfully not in a certain theatre I spoke of before. Personally, I think that this movie is on par with the likes of the original Star Wars Trilogy. It was awesome.
Moving on, we here at BN are from the Great Nation of Canuckistan, which means lots of snow yeah? WRONG! There is almost no snow on the ground. This combined with the fact that I just started my Christmas break last Thursday, I find it very hard to get into the Holiday Spirit which makes James a sad Panda...

The saddest of PandasBut that's ok! You go ahead and enjoy your holiday. I'll be here, all alone, by myself.
Sad Panda.
Well, I can't really think of anything else to write about, play me out, Flight of the Conchords!